Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pure Physics School Papers

Dear Pure Physics students,

Below are the links to school papers + answers for your practice.

School Papers Practice

Set 1 Pure Physics P2 + Answer

Set 2 Pure Physics P2 + Answer

Set 3 Pure Physics P2 + Answer

Have Fun! :)

Combined Physics Intensive Revision Notes

Intensive Revision Notes (With Answers)

Scroll down to the bottom of each file to see the answers.

Wk 1

Wk 2
Waves, EM waves, Sound

Combined Physics School Papers (Intensive Revision)

Dear Combined Physics Students,

Below are the links to download the school papers I given out during the intensive revision. Included are the answers.

Intensive Revision School Papers

Wk 1 Paper 1 +Answer

Wk 2 Paper 2 Wk2 Paper 2 Answer

More School Papers Practice

Set 1 Paper 2 + Answer

Combined Physics Definition & Formula Lists

Dear Combined Science Physics students,

Pls see attached below the list of all the definition and formulas you need to know. In case you lost them.:)

Combined Physics Definition List

Combined Physics Formula list

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Physics Science Practical Part 2

Physics Practical Questions and Answers (Commonly asked)

1) Light Experiment (Lenses)
QN. Name an error in the experiment
Ans: Uncertainty in obtaining the sharpest image.

2) Light Experiment (Glass block or mirror with the pins)
QN. Name an error in the experiment
Ans: Difficulty in alignment of the pins

3) Electricity Experiment
QN. Name an error in the experiment
Ans: Overheating of the wires affecting the resistance of the circuit.

4) Oscillating Experiment or Experiment that has swinging objects
QN. Name an error in the experiment
Ans: Wobbling of the oscillating system/object

5) Moment Experiment
QN. Name an error in the experiment
Ans: Difficulty in getting the ruler/beam to be parallel to bench

6) Other types of Experiment that involve fast reaction
QN. Name an error in the experiment
Ans: Inconsistent human reaction time.

Physics Science Practical Short recap:

Physics Science Practical Short recap:

1) Every instrument reading MUST record to the decimal place of the accuracy of the instrument.

Metre rule: 15 cm record as 15.0 cm or 0.150 m. NOT 15 cm or 0.15 m.

Stop-watch: 1:20:00 s record as 80.00 s. NOT 1.20 s or 1.20.00 s or 80 s.

Ammeter: (Refer below) Record as decimal place of 0.02 A. . NOT 0.1 A.

Voltmeter: (Refer below) Record as decimal place of 0.1 V. NOT as 1V.

2) DON'T write SI units in your table readings.
It makes your readings look like it has another number.

3) DO record all your readings to the SAME no. of decimal places in EACH column.

4) Do READ all the way to the end of the experiment to avoid redrawing your graph.

5) Do start both axes from ZERO if the question wants a Y-intercept reading.
-If don't need Y-intercept, you can start with any no.
-NEVER use ODD scale. eg. 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 or 0.133, 0.667....

6) Do choose a big scale for your graph.
(Your 1st point to the last point must cover >70% of graph paper, not your line)

7) Do write the title of your graph on the top of your graph paper.
(eg. Graph of A against B)

8) Do label your axes correctly AND with the SI units.
- Graph of A against B. Means A = y-axis, B = x-axis
-Graph of W as horizontal axis and P as Vertical axis. Means W = x-axis, P = y-axis

9) Do draw a BEST-FIT Line or BEST-FIT curve. The question will tell you!
Best-fit means go in between your points.

10) Do draw a BIG gradient triangle AND label your coordinates for straight line graph.

11) DON'T have HAIRY lines.

12) Do use PENCIL.
Marks are penalized for graph drawn in pen.

13) DO draw a tangent to find gradient at a point.
This is for best-fit curve.

14) DO record all calculated readings AFTER the table recording in 3 significant figures.

15) DO TIME yourself to move onto the next experiment after 45 mins.
Set an alarm.

16) DO finish at least the graph.

17) DO read the instructions carefully and follow step-by-step.
Bring highlighters to highlight the important points.

Thats all guys, all the best tomorrow! :)